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Overthinking Help: 3 Stoic Strikes to Shatter Mental Chaos

    Your mind races. Scenarios multiply. Hours dissolve.

    “Which shirt to wear? Which task to prioritize? Which path to take?” Overthinking isn’t natural — it’s a habit.

    Also, it’s mental arson. It burns your clarity, courage, capacity to act.

    You’ve forgotten what’s yours to control. Let’s fix it.

    Stoic Principle: Control Is a Lie

    You judge choices as “right” or “wrong.” As if outcomes obey you. They don’t. Marcus Aurelius wrote: “You have power over your mind—not outside events.” Overthinking? It’s fear wearing logic’s mask. Stop judging. Start choosing.

    What To Do

    Strike 1. Premeditatio Malorum (Premeditation of Evils)

    Stoic lesson: Visualize the worst case. See its edges. Most “risks” dissolve under sunlight.

    Your fear is valid. But not absolute.

    Do this: Whisper: “If I choose X, the worst outcome is…” Write three outcomes. Trash the piece of paper. Done.

    Strike 2: The 10/10/10 Rule

    Stoic lesson: Time reveals insignificance. Do things really matter?

    Your anxiety wants safety. It needs a horizon.

    Ask: “Will this matter in 10 days? 10 months? 10 years?” If two answers are “no”—decide. Now.

    Strike 3: Imperfect Action > Perfect Deliberation

    Stoic lesson: Virtue lies in action, not theory. A wrong choice lived well beats endless speculation.

    You crave certainty. It doesn’t exist.

    Action: Set a timer: 60 seconds. Choose. Walk. Do one deliberate physical act (grip a pen, stand up).

    Brutal Truth

    “You think decision paralysis ‘happens to you.’ Truth: You feed it. You sustain it. You invite it. Stop.

    Journal Prompt

    Which unmade choice would I admire in my deathbed journal?

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